What Are You Reading?

August 4, 2013 | Filed under: Articles, Misc

This summer has afforded me some time for reading. I know that it doesn’t have anything to do with roofing (maybe!) but I thought I’d go off topic a bit and share what I am reading this summer. I’d love it if you would drop me a note and let me know what you’re reading. You can email me at todd@asktoddmiller.com.

My book list is always huge and growing it seems but here are a few of the books I have read this summer:

Out On A Limb: A Smoky Mountain Mystery by Carolyn Jourdan. I read this book in order to get into the spirit for our family vacation to Tennessee. What I was surprised by, though, was how much I learned about the area as well as about medicine — you will have to read it yourself to learn more!

The Noticer: Sometimes, all a person needs is a little perspective by Andy Andrews. This was a great book to make me more aware of my life and more compassionate about the lives of those around me.

A Few Small Candles: War Resisters of World War II Tell Their Stories by Larry and Lenna Mae Gara. I attended a Methodist college during the Reagan years. My thoughts as a conservative did not always blend well with those around me during those years. This book, though, gave me huge understanding of pacifism and great respect for the convictions of others.

The Litigators by John Grisham. This novel is in true Grisham fashion and was an easy but enjoyable and comfortable read.

Beauty Will Save The World: Rediscovering the allure and mystery of Christianity by Brian Zahnd. Wow, this book really pushed me. But, it gave me great appreciation for the incredible story of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Muscle And A Shovel by Michael Shank. This was another book that really challenged me … and still has me thinking.

The Turk Who Loved Apples by Matthew Gross. I must admit, I was less than thrilled by this book. It was okay and I made it all the way through it (it’s rare for me to not finish a book) but, written by a travel author, I found it to be pretty pretentious and self serving.

Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris. Normally, I find Sedaris to be hilarious. This was a good book and it did make me laugh but it seemed a bit more introspective on his part and did not make me laugh as much as I had hoped.

Happy Happy Happy by Phil “Duck Commander” Robertson. We actually listened to this book on CD as we were driving. It is a great and enjoyable book and I especially suggest it for teens and young adults. Phil has many great lessons for us all to learn from and live lives that are happy, happy, happy.

The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn. This is a great summary of why there is joy, purpose, and calling in being generous and giving.

The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business by Patrick Lencioni. Very well written book that breaks down and explains why success in business is heavily dependent upon the organization being a well functioning team. Lencioni also gives a road map for getting there.

Ruthless Trust: The Ragamuffin’s Path To God by Brennan Manning. This book taught me much about being honest with myself … and with God … on my spiritual journey.

Happy Reading to you — and, don’t forget — drop me a note and let me know what you’ve been reading!

todd Miller

has spent his entire career in the metal building products manufacturing industry. He is president of Isaiah Industries, an organization recognized as one of the world’s leading metal roofing manufacturers. Todd is currently Vice President of the MRA (Metal Roofing Association) and a Past Chair of MCA (Metal Construction Association). Through his website, he strives to raise the bar on standards and practices to provide property owners with the best possible products for successful roofing projects.

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3 responses to “What Are You Reading?”

  1. Robert says:

    I am not finished with them yet, but I have been reading…

    Coming to Grips with Genesis – this is an excellent case for a literal translation of the Genesis creation account and addresses the positions of those who argue for a non-literal translation. It can be heavy and in some places will be better understood by those with a Hebrew language background. I have found it thus far challenging and enriching. There are a number of authors covering a variety of issues and positions. I am beginning to think as I read further that it should be required reading for anyone taking a class on Genesis. The short to fit is that I recommend it.

    I am also in the midst of Dr. Duane Gish’s letter to Dr. Godfrey, which is a book entitled, Letter to a Theistic Evolutionist. Gish is brilliant and a master of the facts.

    • toddmiller says:

      Thanks so much. Wow … that’s some heavy reading. I will check these out. I am familiar with Dr. Gish but have not read either of these.

      Of course, in God’s wonderful timing … yesterday morning I had read over something one of our team members wrote that supports our young earth and is based largely on Ken ham’s work. This gentleman also recently shared with me some things has had learned through astronomy which show how young our earth is.

      Amazing, How God has brought me all of this research and information at the same time. Thanks so much. If you;re on FaceBook, it would be nice to “friend” you there so that we can maintain our connection. You should find me there at https://www.facebook.com/todd.miller2

      Again, thank you.

  2. […] what Todd has been reading, and even sharing with him what you have been reading, please visit his What Are You Reading? […]

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