November 2, 2015
I am pleased to announce a new series of metal roofing videos. We call it “Metal Roofing Videos 101” and the series currently includes discussion of the primary benefits of residential metal roofing. Additional videos are currently in production to also discuss Metal Roofing Frequently Asked Questions. So please, check back often for new topics…. ( read more )
January 23, 2012
Part 3 of my video series on Buying A New Roof can now be viewed on Youtube. This segment explains how to recognize Special Circumstances on your roof which, if they exist, will impact how you buy a new roof. Things like Offset Eaves, Low Pitches, Dead Valleys, and Flared or Flying Gables are explained… ( read more )
January 20, 2012
The second in my series on how to buy a new roof has been released. This video focuses on helping the viewer assess their current roof situation. It is important to know some details of your roof before you begin investigating products or talking to contractors. This will help you make a wise product choice… ( read more )
January 19, 2012
I am starting a series of videos on how to buy a new roof. About 6% of US homes are re-roofed each year and for the most part homeowners go back to a roofing system that will eventually be yet another part of the 6%. If you’re interested in researching your way to a roofing… ( read more )
January 2, 2012
I often have homeowners ask me whether a metal roof would work on their home. Fact is, metal roofs can be a great addition to just about any home. The key considerations in making a decision, though, are what the homeowner’s goals are with a new roof and also what special considerations there may be… ( read more )
July 15, 2011
Tune in the weekend of July 16 to the nationally syndicated “At Home With Gary Sullivan” radio program and hear Todd speak on the benefits of residential metal roofing. Gary Sullivan, a well-known home improvement talk show host, will have Todd on his program to share helpful information and ideas about roofing. Todd will also… ( read more )