April 5, 2018
There are few things in life we can do that can either go fabulously well or miserably wrong. Most things land someplace in the middle. One of those things that can be great or horrible is hiring a contractor. Use this simple list to help you choose a roofing contractor that has your best interests… ( read more )
September 23, 2017
I visited Houston and Texas coastal areas shortly after Hurricane Harvey’s devestation in September, 2017. This eye-witness report on roofing material performance in storm conditions can help homeowners in other areas prone to strong winds and rain prepare for the protection of their homes. I had the opportunity this week to visit the Texas gulf… ( read more )
September 15, 2017
From a homeowner in Texas who experienced only partial roof damage: Q. I read your post on metal over shingle and just had Hurricane Harvey further degrade my 2000 Comp roof on the west side of the house. Can I roof the West 1500 square foot with metal? What would the top crown of a straight front composition… ( read more )
March 16, 2014
Metal roofing has a very long history in the USA as well as across the globe. Notre Dame, The Pantheon, Monticello, even the cap of the Washington Monument – all of these had some form of metal protecting them. But, while metal was originally costly and time-consuming, meaning it was used largely on various significant… ( read more )
September 28, 2013
If you’re researching a metal roof for your home, at some point you’re bound to wonder the obvious question about what the prices of these products are. Yet, if you search for “Metal Roofing Prices,” you get very little information that is helpful. It may all even begin to feel like a sham or a… ( read more )
July 4, 2012
Wind and hail storms have damaged roofs in many areas of the country in recent weeks. This has left homeowners who felt that they had years of service left in their roofs frustrated as they face insurance claims and extensive repairs or replacement due to wind-damaged roofing. Furthermore, even if repairs are possible, the damages… ( read more )