May 3, 2018
Thinking of a metal roof for your home? The big question is how do you find a roofing contractor who knows what they’re doing? Beyond getting a list of contractors, how do you select the best contractor? Metal roofing is still very much a specialty product. Like anything, if it’s not properly installed, you will… ( read more )
November 2, 2015
I am pleased to announce a new series of metal roofing videos. We call it “Metal Roofing Videos 101” and the series currently includes discussion of the primary benefits of residential metal roofing. Additional videos are currently in production to also discuss Metal Roofing Frequently Asked Questions. So please, check back often for new topics…. ( read more )
March 26, 2015
I frequently am asked whether homeowners and contractors should remove roof shingles from a home’s roof before a new metal roof is installed. My answer often surprises people. However, it is based upon experience with tens of thousands of installations over many years. My Experience The vast majority of installations of the metal roofing systems… ( read more )
March 16, 2014
Metal roofing has a very long history in the USA as well as across the globe. Notre Dame, The Pantheon, Monticello, even the cap of the Washington Monument – all of these had some form of metal protecting them. But, while metal was originally costly and time-consuming, meaning it was used largely on various significant… ( read more )
April 26, 2013
I am frequently asked the following questions: “Is a metal roof right for me?” and “Is a metal roof right for my home?” Those questions then lead to an interesting exchange in which I ask about the home and also about the homeowner’s needs. One question I always ask is “How long do you plan… ( read more )
April 7, 2013
Copper roofing has been the stalwart during my time in this industry. Over the years, I have seen many advancements as well as trends in residential metal roofing. I have seen increased market share as well as the development of more products specifically for homes. The thing that has been consistent, though, is that copper… ( read more )