How to protect your home from ice dams with metal roofing

May 29, 2017 | Filed under: Home Ventilation, Ice Dams and Metal Roofing, Metal Roofing, Roof Repair, Roofing Answers

Todd from Washington recently asked me this question about ice dams and metal roofing:

Q: We bought and moved into our house in January. The neighborhood is in a mountain setting and gets a lot of snow. We are new to the area and didn’t really know anything about ice dams. A few weeks after moving in, we had water coming inside the house from melting snow blocked by ice on the eaves. We need to get this resolved as we don’t want to be constantly worried about ice every winter. We’re thinking about replacing our asphalt shingle roof with metal… to keep the snow off the roof. I realize that there are no guarantees that ice dams will be prevented with any roofing material. The more I read the more confused I get from varying opinions. One opinion is that ice and snow building up in roof valleys could damage a metal roof… much like a glacier breaks up rocks. The metal could buckle from the pressure of the ice building up in the valleys with no other place for it to go. Is this true? Are there ways to prevent this?

Because he has a nice name, I responded quickly. (Not really — I always try to respond quickly.) Here is my response:

A: Thanks for your questions, Todd.

Here’s an article I have written on ice dams.

Ice dams occur primarily for two reasons –

Snow melting on the roof from the heat inside the home then re-freezes on the overhangs.

Snow log-jams in valleys and other tight areas on the roof and can’t be shed from the roof.

Conditions with extremely cold temperatures and no sunlight can make these situations worse. For that reason, ice dams are often worst on the north side of a building.

Metal roofs can shed snow more quickly and that can be helpful. However, especially in cases of heavy snow and continued cold temperatures with no sunlight, ice dams can still occur on metal roofs.

I would see whether anything can be done to increase insulation on the ceilings in your home, and ventilation between the insulation and the roof deck.

Here’s an article on ventilation that I recommend.

Regardless if you install a metal roof, snow guards in areas uphill of valleys can help prevent the log jamming of snow that can lead to ice dams. On a metal roof, those same snow guards can also help prevent damage to the roof.

Gutter guards can help as well.

I hope this information is helpful. Please contact me anytime with your questions about ice and protection for your home.

todd Miller

has spent his entire career in the metal building products manufacturing industry. He is president of Isaiah Industries, an organization recognized as one of the world’s leading metal roofing manufacturers. Todd is currently Vice President of the MRA (Metal Roofing Association) and a Past Chair of MCA (Metal Construction Association). Through his website, he strives to raise the bar on standards and practices to provide property owners with the best possible products for successful roofing projects.

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2 responses to “How to protect your home from ice dams with metal roofing”

  1. Wayne Emro says:

    can you put heat tape on a metal roof?

    • Todd Miller says:

      It is feasible but you will have to have some mechanical fasteners. There are also other products available such as Ice Dam Cutter that can be helpful.

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