May 7, 2017
Q. I’m going to take off my old roof and put on a metal roof. Would it be overkill or problematic for me to apply ice and water barrier that is self adhesive to my entire roof as my underlayment? I ask because I live on a bluff in the middle of Missouri. It goes… ( read more )
April 3, 2017
Oriented Strand Board, commonly referred to as OSB, is a type of engineered lumber similar to particle board, formed by adding adhesives and then compressing layers of wood strands. OSB is widely used as roof decking material. A homeowner recently wrote and asked me the following regarding OSB roof decking: Q. We are checking into a metal roof and we have a question… ( read more )
March 8, 2017
A nice homeowner named Lisa emailed me the following about her recent issues with the gutters on her home being torn off by sliding snow. Q: I came across an old posting of yours in which you were giving advice to a homeowner like me who had a metal roof and problems with cascading snow… ( read more )
February 16, 2017
I received the following question recently from a homeowner named Tom. He is obviously doing his homework to ensure a successful roofing project. I like that! Q: Todd, I saw your info on metal roofs over shingles and have a few questions. I have a double wide low pitch roof that has some saging between… ( read more )
January 2, 2014
Does your home need a new roof? Homeowners are increasingly considering metal as an option when re-roofing their homes as well as when building new homes. I have created this list of the “Top Ten Metal Roofing Considerations.” My Top 10 Metal Roofing Considerations for Homeowners What warranties will you receive with your new roof?… ( read more )
April 26, 2013
I am frequently asked the following questions: “Is a metal roof right for me?” and “Is a metal roof right for my home?” Those questions then lead to an interesting exchange in which I ask about the home and also about the homeowner’s needs. One question I always ask is “How long do you plan… ( read more )