To Vent or Not to Vent a Metal Roof
October 2, 2017
Proper ventilation meets a trend toward total attic conditioning. A homeowner asks whether or not to vent a new metal roof as it is installed…
October 2, 2017
Proper ventilation meets a trend toward total attic conditioning. A homeowner asks whether or not to vent a new metal roof as it is installed…
September 23, 2017
I visited Houston and Texas coastal areas shortly after Hurricane Harvey’s devestation in September, 2017. This eye-witness report on roofing material performance in storm conditions can help homeowners in other areas prone to strong winds and rain prepare for the protection of their homes. I had the opportunity this week to visit the Texas gulf… ( read more )
September 15, 2017
From a homeowner in Texas who experienced only partial roof damage: Q. I read your post on metal over shingle and just had Hurricane Harvey further degrade my 2000 Comp roof on the west side of the house. Can I roof the West 1500 square foot with metal? What would the top crown of a straight front composition… ( read more )
May 29, 2017
Todd from Washington recently asked me this question about ice dams and metal roofing: Q: We bought and moved into our house in January. The neighborhood is in a mountain setting and gets a lot of snow. We are new to the area and didn’t really know anything about ice dams. A few weeks after… ( read more )
May 22, 2017
I often get asked about the different types of vertical seam metal roofs. Common questions surround the differences between them, and what would make one more appropriate for a particular application than another. I will explain the four different types of vertical seam and standing seam roofs here, in order of my perceived quality starting at… ( read more )
May 20, 2017
I am not a huge fan of exposed fasteners for roofs on residential applications. Probably 80% of the questions I receive about problems with metal roofs pertain to these types of panels. That said, I am happy to help when I can. I recently received the following question from Jane: Q. I noticed my inside… ( read more )